Yanhee Ultimate L-Carnitine Block Burn Fat Diet Control Weight Loss.
**Yanhee accelerates the breakdown of fat and accelerates the burning of fat helping you lose weight.
Your shape will change the right way in 2-3 months. This is the right time. That helps you get in shape without affecting your health like using conventional medicine.
We aim to make quality vitamins that give honest results. It does not create a health burden on you in the future. We are not a drug to reduce sensitivity. Because it is 100% free of harmful substances, focusing on systematic reset.
-Selected 5 excellent extracts that help to reset the shape effectively.
-Block new items from entering
-Brake, old things not to accumulate.
-Burn excessively, no rest.
-Unbeatable muscle build
-L-Carnitine Fumarate 291 mg.
-Garcinia Cambogia Extract
-White Kidney Bean Extract
-Cactus extract
-Psyllium Husk
**Main ingredient; L-Carnitine L-Tatrade 500 mg.
Properties of L-Carnitine L-Tatrade
– Help you lose weight Breakdown of accumulated fat Accelerate the process of burning body fat
– Slow down the deterioration of cells, making the cells in the body to age, such as the heart cells.
– Reduce triglyceride levels Increased cholesterol Healthy (HDL)
– Prevent heart disease Makes the heart work better
– Helps to increase exercise ability Make the body more durable
– Improves the work of the immune system
– Reduce the accumulation of fat in the arteries Which is one of the causes of high blood pressure
Store in a cool dry place at a temperature below 30° C and avoid exposure to sunlight
Direction: Take 2 tablets after breakfast